I haven't posted on this blog since October of last year. A lot has happened since then and I don't have a lot of time now to fill you in on the details but here it is in a nutshell.
Biggest News Since Last Post: My wife and I are going to have another baby! She is expected to deliver in the middle of July and we are all very excited. Most of my excitement is of course to have another addition to our family, but I am also eager to see how our almost 2 year old son will respond to being a big brother. I'm pretty hopeful that he will adapt wonderfully.
Landon is also sleeping through the night entirely on his own. For the longest time we had been either rocking him to sleep or laying next to him on his mattress until he fell asleep, then we would sneak out. If he woke up in the middle of the night we would bring him to bed with us because it just seemed easier than to put him back to sleep. We have since adopted the strategy of getting him ready for bed, reading a story, singing some bedtime type of song, saying a prayer and then explaining to him how he is going to fall asleep on his own and that momma and daddy will be checking on him if he needs us. Then we walk out and close the door. He has been falling asleep anywhere from 5 minutes to 20 minutes after we leave, on average. The first couple nights were terrible but it has been worth it. He sleeps through the night almost every night too which is a huge relief.
I am in another basketball league at the Timberhill Athletic Club. I play with my two brother-in-laws and some of their friends. We are not a very tall team and we often lose as a result of this and not being able to get many second chance opportunities. Last season I averaged about 12 points per game and after three games in this season I'm averaging about 20. Our record is 1-3 right now and I think we can win at least one or two more. We are mostly playing for fun though, or at least my wife reminds me of that when I come home frustrated.
My job is going very well. I am a crisis counselor and recently had my evaluation with my supervisor and got very high marks. Our agency was also audited by the state and the crisis team in particular, which is just myself and another counselor and our supervisor, received outstanding remarks for the service we provide.
I have continued to work out regularly at the YMCA and have maintained my recent weight loss. I had lost just over 30 pounds but gained about 8 pounds back between Thanksgiving and New Years. I'd like to lose about 15 more pounds which would get me to about 175-180 which seems like a healthy weight for me.
I finished the book "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and I really enjoyed it. I had seen the american version of the movie and thought it was ok but the book was great. Now I have started the Lord of the Rings books, starting with the Hobbit. Not sure I will make it through but I will try. There is something about the way they are written that makes it a little hard to get into.