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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dante's Inferno Game Review

Obviously one of my passions is for video games and therefore, here is my first real blog post that is not just a description of things to come.  Hope you enjoy.
In this Xbox 360 game you play as Dante, from the classic novel Dante’s Inferno, which is essentially a story about the journey through the 7 layers of hell for the condemned.  At the beginning there is a cut scene in which you are revealed the back story which has Dante searching for his beloved Beatrice, only to find that she has been murdered.   He then goes on to plunge into the depths of hell to fight for her salvation. 
Along the way you will fight a variety of enemies from non-baptized infants with blades for arms, to seductive women with octopus-like tentacles that reach to pull you in to their grasp.  Some of the more grotesque characters are from the glutton part of hell in which you will battle large overweight enemies who spew bodily fluids at you from both ends of their terrible bodies.  The boss sequences are not as challenging as expected and boiled down to timing attacks, dodging melees and timed prompted button pushing to deliver more significant blows. 
The game play was simplistic, requiring a variety of combinations of buttons for more intense and skilled attacks.  An interesting element of the game is the holy and unholy attacks which allow you some control about how enemies are punished or salvaged.  Each of these abilities is able to be upgraded through the acquisition of souls that are obtained when any enemy is defeated.  More souls are gathered generally from saving enemies through holy attacks than through punishing them through the more brutal unholy attacks. 
The game is quite graphic regarding the violence and gore while also offering multiple scenes of female nudity.  There is one specific scene of male nudity which comes awkwardly close to full frontal male nudity too.  These scenes seemed to be done for shock value and were not so over the top to take away from the game play.  My opinion is that most gamers that play Mature rated games will have no problem with the content of the game.  Having said that it is certainly not one I would play with my toddler around…or my wife for that matter since she would likely make some funny comment to me about nerdy gamer developers putting busty women in games for their own pleasure and I would never hear the end of it, although she would be right. 
All in all this is a great game to pick up at a local used game store of your choice.  I happened to stumble upon this for a mere $17 and after spending about 9 hours to beat the game, on the normal difficulty mode, it was well worth my money and more importantly my time.  (Pics from and respectively)      

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I actually know one of the game developers for this

    I might have to give it a try! It sounds a bit like Conan, which I just purchased for $4. Score.
