I don't imagine my wife will waste her time reading this post and I ask her this and all of you who may be reading. Are these events I have described so ridiculous compared to some of the events already in place in the Olympics? At some point many of these events did not even exist and had to be proposed as new additions to the Olympic Games and I'm sure many people had their doubts. Take the shooting events for example. In my best Jim Gaffigan impression I bet the proposal sounded like this, "Hey I got an idea. How 'bout we make a new game where we shoot stuff and the best shooter will win like a medal or somethin'. Well what will we shoot? Uh, I don't know, we could shoot clay discs! Clay discs? Yeah, we could call 'em skeets...we could shoot like ahundred of 'em and the best one wins".
Or this one..."Hey I got an idea. How 'bout we mix together basketball, soccer, swimming, polo and wrestling. We could put like a goal at the end of the pool and you could throw the ball in it. A combination of these events sounds interesting, tell us more. Well everyone could wear funny hats for protection and we'd make the pool real long so they have to swim really far making a lot of dull moments, you know for them to rest. Hmm. Polo you say, what about adding horses to this? Psshh, no that'd be crazy!
I don't entirely mean to poke fun at these events, and certainl not the elite athletes that play them, I just mostly want to speculate about how they were invented and what to expect in the future. I hope this has got some of you thinking about new events to propose for the Rio Olympics in 2016. Please post a comment if you have any great ideas. It is fun to think of them and doesn't take much time. These new events above took all of about 3 minutes for me and I'm sure there are even better ideas to be had yet. Let's see.
Images taken from the following sites, respectively: http://www.hometownstation.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=29690:olympics-tradition-fun-facts-clarita-2012-05-30-15-30&catid=26:local-news&Itemid=97, http://www.nbcolympics.com/photos/diving/womens-10m-synchronized-platform-finals-471675.html, http://www.waterelementswim.com/Pages/ClassSchedule.aspx, http://www.socialtechpop.com/tag/cannon-ball-dive/, http://www.celebuzz.com/photos/olympics-2012-the-scene-in-london/olympics-day-2-shooting/full-size/, http://www.theskipshot.com/2012/7/30/3205388/london-olympics-2012-mens-water-polo-tv-online-schedule
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