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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One of my close friends recently started up a website, Preorder Gamer, for die hard video gamers that details the preorder bonuses you can get for upcoming games.  The great thing about this site is that there are not many like it out there, if any at all.  There are tons of video game review sites that also speak to some of the preorder bonuses available, but this site really details the variety amongst the bonuses depending on what type of upgrade you get and where you purchase from. 

Since this site is new within the past couple weeks there is some push to get it recognized.  So what better way than to have a giveaway contest of one of the most anticipated games of the year...Borderlands 2.  I admittedly have not played the first Borderlands so am not clear on all the hype but from what my friend tells me, it will be epic.  He described the game as a first person shooter with an incredible variety of enemies to face off against and an even wider variety of guns and other lootable items in the world of Pandora. 

Another great feature of this game is the seamless multiplayer mode in which you can join friends already in game via Xbox Live.  This allows you to pick up the action with your buddies and avoids sitting around in a game lobby where you have to wait for enough players to start a match.  When you want to play you can, and you will. 

Another great thing about this site is that it gets right down to the facts about what you need to know in a brief, couple of paragraphs, article about the upgrades.  The segments do not carry on for pages and pages like some games that devote their time reviewing the game play.  This site will tell you what you want and need to know in a matter of 30 seconds of reading.  It also has some video clips of game play and images of the upgrade bonuses available.  Another great feature of this site is the ease at which you can preorder the games you want.  Each preorder bonus package has a link for where you can purchase the game, whether you have an Xbox or Playstation. 

Finally, my favorite part about this site is that I won the Borderlands 2 contest and will receive my free copy of the game this weekend to start enjoying.  To enter the contest all you had to do was post a comment on the article describing who you were going to play as in Borderlands 2.  As I mentioned above, I know the creator of this site really well and spent some time with him this weekend trying to convince him that I should just be awarded the game, basically for being an awesome friend.  But he decided to be all fair about it and posted a video of him putting the names of those who commented on the article in a bowl and then mixed them up and "making it rain" before pulling out the winning name.  Here is the video of me winning the first giveaway from this great site.  Notice how he comments on me trying to "stack the deck" and then his expression when he reveals that I won fair and square.  Priceless.

Make sure you check out this site for great reviews and more giveaways.  Preorder Gamer. 


  1. Thanks for the great review, Justin! Glad you ended up winning the game. Look forward to playing with ya!

  2. Awesome Justin...I actually entered a contest on Gamespy the other day and won myself a free copy of Torchlight 2. Its a pretty sweet game as well.

